pp108 : Restart Process Instances Interface

Restart Process Instances Interface

This topic describes the various fields on the Restart Process Instances dialog.

The Restart Process Instances dialog appears when you select a process instance for restarting it. This dialog box helps you to restart a process instance from a selected activity.

Table 1. Fields on the Restart Process Instances Dialog



Process Name

Name of the business process to which the selected process instance belongs.


Version number of the business process.


Description of the business process to which the selected process instance belongs.

Restart from Activity

This drop-down displays a list of all aborted activities that belong to the selected process instance. Select an aborted activity to indicate where from you want to restart the process instance and click Start. The progress bar appears and the Pause button is enabled. Click Pause, if required. When you click Pause, the Continue button is enabled and the Restart button appears. Click Continue to continue with restarting or click Restart to restart the process instance again. Click Cancel to cancel the current operation and exit from the Restart Process Instances dialog.

Original Aborted Instances

This field displays the number of process instances that were initially aborted.

Restarted Instances

This field displays the number of process instances that were restarted.

Not Restarted Instances

This field displays the number of process instances that are not yet restarted.

Related tasks

Restarting a Process Instance from Graphical Mode